February MeetUp: WordPress, WooCommerce and FoxyCart

FoxyCart and WooCommerce
{Updated Feb 25th}

Below is the slideshow from Kenneth presentation.

original post

On Monday, February 17, we’ll discuss the process of setting up an e-commerce system on WordPress, focusing on WooCommerce and FoxyShop + FoxyCart, from start to selling.

With so many options available for e-commerce, these tools simplify the process. Kenneth White of sprclldr will walk us through the process. He’ll cover:

  • Data security, hosting and SSL
  • Theming
  • Virtual and variable products, subscriptions and donations
  • Inventory management

Ecommerce options and set-up are frequent sources of questions at our monthly WordPress Nashville MeetUps and we want to focus on this single topic for one session.

WooCommerce is a go-to platform for many local WordPress developers and FoxyCart claims Nashville as one of its hometowns – one cofounder lives here. FoxyCart (FoxyShop is the WordPress plugin) is especially awesome because it features easy styling and allows for checkout of multiple product types, including subscriptions and donations, all during the same transaction.

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