Tag: Nashville WordPress

  • Widgets, Custom Menus & Settings Pages

    Widgets, Custom Menus & Settings Pages

    This month at the Nashville Meetup we walked through the 3 sections of the WordPress admin. Widgets, Custom Menus & Settings Pages. Now, because there is already a wealth of WordPress knowledge out there I decided to find some well done tutorials on the subjects. There were to very well done tutorials done by Deltina…

  • Nashville WordPress Meetup August 2011

    Nashville WordPress Meetup August 2011

    Our August Meetup went pretty well, we had about 15 people come together in CoLab’s Nashville location. We started off with a brief introduction on “Why WordPress” and then moved into a demonstration on the text-editor and publishing a post. As a bonus we were fortunate to have Ross Jones in attendance who was continually…

  • Nashville Meetup – Meeting Format

    Nashville Meetup – Meeting Format

    The Nashville meetup group has been meeting since January of 2011, and over the last 8 months we’ve seen quite a bit of fluctuation in attendance. In an effort to be more consistent I thought it would be helpful to put together a meeting format I will follow anytime we are not having a special…