BarCamp Nashville Saturday, October 18th

BarCamp Nashville on Saturday, October 18th. BarCamp is an annual tech conference that covers hardware, software, marketing, content and social media.

BarCamp is looking for speakers from all technologies, and we encourage you to submit a session proposal! BarCamp is also looking for sponsors, if you have any interest in sponsoring there is information below.

Register by October 13 at to be eligible for a t-shirt and FREE lunch. Be sure to complete your profile, select your t-shirt size, mark your preference for lunch, and “favorite” the sessions you want to see.

As an unconference, everyone is encouraged to fully participate by speaking, asking questions, networking or volunteering. It takes a lot of people to make a great BarCamp, so if you’d like to help make it happen, please contact our volunteer coordinator, Deanna Vickers, at volunteer@barcampnashvil­ about volunteering on the day of the event. It’s a great way to meet people and get connected!

If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

For the latest info, follow them at:




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