Category: Blog

  • WordCamp US is coming Nashville 2017 & 2018

    WordCamp US is coming Nashville 2017 & 2018

    We are excited to be chosen as the next home for of WordCamp us! Check out our page where you can get the Nashville Wapuu and some free local images. http://wpnashville.com/wcus/

  • All My Web Needs changes business model to help small business owners

    All My Web Needs changes business model to help small business owners

    Starting and operating a small business is both exciting and intimidating. There are so many different things to consider, perhaps the most important of which is expense. Often times, the imagination and joy behind a business venture can be dashed by the reality of how much it costs to get things off the ground. Not…

  • WordCamp Volunteer Signup

    WordCamp Volunteer Signup

    It is that time of year again! WordCamp Nashville planning has begun, and we are looking for a solid group of organizers to make it happen! This is the perfect time get involved with the Nashville WordPress community. This is also the easiest way to involved and meet new piers.

  • 2014 Was a great year for Nashville WordPress!

    2014 Was a great year for Nashville WordPress!

    As Nashville continues to grow at a steady pace our group continues as well! Our diverse group of pressers expanded last year by 277 members. We had 23 meetup spanning topics of Themes, Plugins, Security, Introduction as well as having Q&A, Developer breakfasts and WordCamp meetings.

  • November 2014 Meetup Q&A Link Notes

    November 2014 Meetup Q&A Link Notes

    This months meetup was terrific despite the sudden cold. We took a fair bit of link notes which we think you will find very useful! Plugins, Themes, Sliders and Hosting.

  • September Meeting Recap & a shout out to Athletics and NSS

    September Meeting Recap & a shout out to Athletics and NSS

    The September meetup was a great event, hosted at Deavor, curated by Athletics and co-sponsored by Athletics and WPEngine. With three great speakers, it was no wonder we had an attendance of around 60 or 70 Pressers! As well Athletics made a donation of the leftover funds to the Nashville Software School. Everyone wins!

  • BarCamp Nashville Saturday, October 18th

    BarCamp Nashville Saturday, October 18th

    BarCamp Nashville on Saturday, October 18th. BarCamp is an annual tech conference that covers hardware, software, marketing, content and social media. As an unconference, everyone is encouraged to fully participate by speaking, asking questions, networking or volunteering.

  • WCN14 Podcast Interviews Available on SoundCloud

    WCN14 Podcast Interviews Available on SoundCloud

    WordCamp Nashville 2014 was nearly four months ago but the goodness hasn’t stopped. We’ve been working with Clark Buckner of TechnologyAdvice to get podcast interviews from the event organized and published. They are assembled on SoundCloud for your listening pleasure. Clark chatted with diverse members of the region’s WordPress and technology communities, including Randy Hicks,…

  • WPNashville Site Update

    WPNashville Site Update

    As you can see we’ve made a major update to the look and feel of the wpnashville site. We went simple, clean and easy to update! The goal of the update was to simplify the site and open it up to be more of a utility to the community. The “Community” The Community portion of…

  • Meetup: Any member may suggest an event!

    Meetup: Any member may suggest an event!

    Hello Fellow Meetup WordPressers! We are excited to announce that the meetup group management has shifted! The group will now be more in line with the official WordPress Chapter. Since our meetup was started in 2010 before the WordPress Chapter program was created we’ve been doing it old school, but that is all changing and…