A joint meeting with the Nashville SEO Group to discuss WordPress SEO tactics
Join us for a special meeting of the Nashville WordPress Group meeting as we discuss WordPress SEO tactics that can help your website. Join the group and come and learn! » This is a joint meeting with the Nashville SEO Group run by Ross Jones of 2 the Top Design. Ross has been a professional…
Nashville WordPress Meetup August 2011
Our August Meetup went pretty well, we had about 15 people come together in CoLab’s Nashville location. We started off with a brief introduction on “Why WordPress” and then moved into a demonstration on the text-editor and publishing a post. As a bonus we were fortunate to have Ross Jones in attendance who was continually…
Transferring WordPress from Server to Server
Meetup Presentation 08-09-11 Required wp admin access ftp access or control panel access phpmyadmin access or database access Domain Names are all ready in place and pointing in the right direction. Basic Outline Download WP Export SQL Upload WP Import SQL Update DB Download WP Download your all files that in the directory where WordPress…
Nashville Meetup – Meeting Format
The Nashville meetup group has been meeting since January of 2011, and over the last 8 months we’ve seen quite a bit of fluctuation in attendance. In an effort to be more consistent I thought it would be helpful to put together a meeting format I will follow anytime we are not having a special…
WordPress Themes and Updates
Below is John Housholder’s, president of Ah So Designs presentation from March 22nd, 2011. Enjoy and please comment below if you have suggestions of improvements!
Your ideas, notes, or suggestions for WPNashville.com
As the Nashville WordPress community grows through our meetup group it would be great to see the WPNashville site take shape. What would you like to learn about that we can do to wpnashville.com in an effort to show you how to use WordPress for your site?
WordPress Planning and Branding
Below is John Housholder’s, president of Ah So Designs presentation from February 8th, 2011. Enjoy and please comment below if you have suggestions of improvements!
How to setup WordPress from Scratch
Below is John Housholder’s, president of Ah So Designs presentation from February 8th, 2011. Enjoy and please comment below if you have suggestions of improvements!